Jurisdiction (এখতিয়ার/ অধিক্ষেত্র):
The right of applying power of courts.
আদালতের বিচার করার ক্ষমতাকে এখতিয়ার বলা হয়
আদালতের বিচার করার ক্ষমতাকে এখতিয়ার বলা হয়
Civil Jurisdiction:
The right of applying power of courts based on The Code of Civil Procedure 1908 and The Civil Court Act 1887.
Jurisdiction of civil court is of 3 types:
1. Subject matter Jurisdiction (welqe¯‘i GLwZqvi)
2. Pecuniary Jurisdiction (Avw_©K GLwZqvi)
3. Teritorial Jurisdiction (AvÂwjK GLwZqvi)
Subject matter Jurisdiction:
Subject matter Jurisdiction must be of civil nature. e.g. owner of land, right of designation etc.
Pecuniary Jurisdiction: - section 19
Destined by section 19 of Civil Court Act 1887 (Amended in 2016)
It is of two types:
1. Original Jurisdiction (আদি বা মৌলিক এখতিয়ার): The power of taking original suit (মূল মামলা).
2. Appellate Jurisdiction (আপিল এখতিয়ার)
Pecuniary Jurisdiction destined by section 19 of Civil Court Act 1887 as amended in 2016 given below:
Five types of civil courts in Bangladesh. - Section 3 of Civil Court Act 1887.
Their name and pecuniary jurisdictions are given below:
Five types of civil courts in Bangladesh. - Section 3 of Civil Court Act 1887.
Their name and pecuniary jurisdictions are given below:
District Judge -
Can not receive - original suits(মূল মামলা)
Can receive - appeal suits
Appellate Jurisdiction - 5 crore
Additional District Judge –
Can not receive - original suits
Can not receive - appeal suits
Can receive - only the suits transferred by Distric Judge
Appellate Jurisdiction - 5 crore
Joint District Judge-
Can receive - original suits of unlimited value
Can not receive - appeal suits
Original Jurisdiction - Unlimited
Senior Assistant Judge-
Can receive - original suits
Can not receive - appeal suits
Original Jurisdiction - 25 lacs
Assistant Judge-
Can receive - original suits
Can not receive - appeal suits
Original Jurisdiction - 15 lacs
Territorial Jurisdiction (আঞ্চলিক এখতিয়ার):
Suits should be instituted to that court where the subject matter is holds.